How to register
Please fill in the registration form and send it to the traccoding office by pushing on the "submit" button.
When you want to register many codes at once : you can fill in once the registration form and send an e-mail to with a list of the codes.
There has to be a new code
for each trade name or each production site for a component manufacturer
for each product name for a compound manufacturer
The component manufacturer shall be identified by one or more codes, which may only be used by this manufacturer.
When he chooses to have only one code for more production sites, he needs his own coding system that relates each component to the production site where it was produced.
Remark : all the data that is filled in on the registration form will be published on the website. The manufacturer has the possibility to inform the traccoding office of any changes.
The traccoding office receives the registration forms and sends a confirmation letter (by e-mail or else by post) and an invoice (by post) to the subscriber.
After registration the Traccoding office sends a confirmation letter (by e-mail) and an invoice (by post and/or e-mail) to the subscriber.
After confirmation of the payment a code will be assigned to the registered compound or component manufacturer. The manufacturer will be notified by e-mail after de code was activated and uploaded onto the Traccoding website.
Every year each registered manufacturer will receive an invoice for the yearly fee to preserve the registration of his code(s).
When the yearly fee isn't paid, the codes will be stopped.
REGISTRATION AND INSCRIPTION FEES (initial payment) - prices 2025
Inscription fee on site : 480 EUR
Registration :
1 - 5 codes: | 288 EUR |
5 - 10 codes: | 484 EUR |
> 10 codes: | 629 EUR |
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FEE (from second year) - prices 2025
1 - 5 codes: | 194 EUR |
5 - 10 codes: | 313 EUR |
> 10 codes: | 366 EUR |
+ VAT if applicable (see below)
The fee is used to cover the organizational costs. This include in addition to the administration the development and running of the website (minor modifications, fees webprovider, webmaster, updating website, double backup, keeping history of expired items, possibility of link to this site, etc...)
VAT (if applicable) shall be added in according to European legislation:
Showing the logo and the URL of the manufacturer: 348 EUR
Showing overview of your production sites, addresses and corresponding site numbers: 77 EUR
Price revision in function of the consumer index as applicable
Only payment after invoice by the traccoding office:
Gontrode Heirweg 292
e-mail :
the amount due has to be transfered to our bank via :
IBAN : BE68 2900 0834 3334
bank address :
BNP Paribas Fortis
Drongenplein 21
9031 GENT
The amount has to be paid within 30 days. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Ghent (Belgium) are solely competent. Invoices which are not paid within 30 days will be legally increased bij 1% interest per month without prior notice.