General concept:

This website is developed as a support for the International standard ISO 12176-4 (2003): "Plastics pipes and fittings - Equipment for fusion jointing polyethylene systems - Part 4: Traceability coding"

This International standard is available at the national Standardization Institutes or the ISO office ( at Geneva.

ISO 12176-4 front

The traceability system is based on a 40 digits (pipes) or 26 digits (other components) numerical code which is usually displayed in the form of a bar-code on the pipes or other components. This bar-code contains information about the manufacturer, product type, size, production site, batch, PE compound, SDR value etc.
The lists of codes related to the PE compound, component manufacturer, and type of component are managed by this website.

The traceability system is based on data to be provided by the component or the compound manufacturer. The traccoding manager cannot be held responsible for the correctness of the presented data. All data on this website are the responsibility of the person who is using the data.
The database with the codes and addresses is public accessible on this website.

Each component or PE compound manufacturer has to register his product(s) on the "traccoding" website to obtain the code(s).
The registration is only valid after payment of fees (consisting of a onetime administration cost and a yearly fee).

Traceability parameters

Component Manufacturer

2 alphabetical characters are identifying the producer of the component. The alphabetical characters are transformed into 4 numerical characters before they are added to digits 1-4 of the bar-code. The manufacturers contact information is given together with the code(s) they registered.

PE compound

1 alphabetical and 2 numerical characters are identifying the PE compound. The 3 characters are transformed into 4 numerical characters before they are added to digits 19-22 of the bar-code.

Type of component

2 numerical characters are identifying the type of component (pipe, elbow, reducer, transition fitting, valve, ...) and are added to digits 5 and 6 of the bar-code.
The original list which dated from 2003 (see Table B.4 in the standard) has been extended with new products on the Traccoding website (last update in December 2008).

Production site

2 numerical characters are identifying the production site and are added to digits 16 and 17 of the bar-code.
The production site number(s) of the component manufacturer can be added to the address form optionally.
Component manufacturers who want to comply with NF136 regulations (Certigaz SAS) have to publish their production site number.

Other parameters like sizes, batch numbers, PE designation (PE designation (PE63/80/ PE100), MFR or SDR are in detail described in the ISO 12176-4 standard, and are not managed by this website.